Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Write Research Papers: No Longer a Mystery

Write Research Papers: No Longer a Mystery Some of the greatest research paper introduction samples incorporate primary resources supporting the argument or research of the issue. You should start by doing some overall reading in the area. An outline will allow you to organize your thoughts before you dig in the writing process. Unfortunately, not always there's enough time to compose an ideal research paper. Although essays and research papers can be an issue, term papers are a great deal more complex than many of the academic assignments. Most university courses involve some type of extended writing assignment, ordinarily in the kind of a research paper. English can be extremely formulaic. You might additionally have an issue writing what you would like to write because of decrees made by means of a professor. Our customized research paper writing company is just one of the greatest businesses in the industry because we try hard to fulfill all our clients' needs in all their research paper writing. If you've already searched for a person who can write my research paper, you definitely understand how difficult it may be to pick the best service to cover your research papers. A research paper involves surveying a field of knowledge as a way to get the best possible data in that area. A paper written at your request from our site grants you the choice to receive all the information and research outcome, which means you won't need to devote time investigating it yourself. Our company employs professionals who can get the job done efficiently to create the best results in a brief term. Such companies might try to pull some shady business enterprise. Assignment businesses will guarantee that your content is written to fulfill the greatest academic standards. At the exact same time there are many businesses that provide research paper writing services for you. Results is normally the longest and most significant part your report, where you must report the outcomes of the carried research. Looking at several of your favourite authors might explain how many of them weren't English majors themselves. Writing an abstract for research paper is an ambitious endeavor for students and requires experience of students concerning the subject of research alongside in-depth understanding of the subject. Whether you're in high school, college or university, we possess the necessary resources to fulfill your requirements at a particular level of complexity. Try to remember, even the most seasoned academic veterans have needed to learn to compose a research paper at some time in their career. Becoming a seasoned researcher and writer in any area or discipline takes a good deal of practice. Nursing trainees have lots of practical activities to do beyond the classroom to gain their experience. Type of Write Research Papers The typical per-sentence word count ought to be 20. If you're thinking of buying a personalized term paper, we will be happy to help you compose a professional paper. An excellent table of contents makes it simple for the readers to track down each part of your report. Tables, graphs or other illustrations ought to be included should they support your general thesis. Paper was and still is extremely vital in today's world in a lot of ways. At some point or a nother you might find yourself in desperate need of some outside help in regards to getting your research paper completed accurately and in time. An intriguing argument cloaked in impenetrable prose isn't of any use to anybody. Explain briefly the significant points you want to cover in your paper and why readers ought to be interested in your topic. The author summarizes, uses her or his own words and cites the source at the end. Be certain to include enough references, because the reader might want to follow up your references for additional research on the subject, or simply to get to learn more on the subject.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

British Policy of Appeasement at the Beginning of World...

British Policy of Appeasement at the Beginning of World War Two The First World War was the beginning of a new era in fighting. Weapons and fighting technique had drastically changed, making war much more dangerous. With the predictions for the new weapons including poisonous gas and bigger bombs, Great Britain was very much afraid for its citizens, especially men and women of fighting age. The country wished to avoid war at any cost. The choices of Neville Chamberlain and The Parliament favoring appeasement affected the decisions of other European leaders, such as French Premier Daladier, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, and Winston Churchill, and those choices helped Britain enter the war. Many believe that with the Treaty of†¦show more content†¦Later that year, Italy and Germany both supported the revolutionaries of Spain. France had a policy of nonintervention and Britain had forbidden the sale of arms to either side. Even when the Spanish government fell, because of the inability to buy arms, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tried to recreate a friendship with Italy. Chamberlain was also interested in a general settlement that would include Germany. His beliefs were that Germany had been treated unfairly and self-determination should be allowed for countries wanting to reunite with Germany.3 Chamberlain was for appeasement at any cost. Avoiding war was most important to him. He wanted to make Germany happy and avoid war; unfortunately, he misjudged Hitler. He believed that Hitler only wanted to rebuild Germany and so because of his previous mentioned sympathies he believed he was working with Hitler to reconnect Germany. But instead he was working to create more tensions and anger through out Britain and Europe as is shown in the next paragraph. The next move by Germany was in September of 1938, when Hitler demanded that the Sudetenland be returned to Germany based on self-determination. The Sudetenland had been annexed to Czechoslovakia by at the Paris Peace Conference when the country had beenShow MoreRelatedBritish Foreign Policy During The Period From 19191147 Words   |  5 PagesBritish Foreign Policy during Interwar Period (1919-1939) Political and economic stability was something that was fought hard for during the inter-war period from 1919 through 1939. World War I had a prolific and traumatic influence on how the British people as well as British statesmen influenced, created, and protected foreign policy. This wasn’t something that transformed overnight; rather it took the entire hiatus spent in-between wars to get Britain back on a course with political developmentRead MoreWhy War Broke Out in Europe in 1939 Essay1667 Words   |  7 PagesWhy War Broke Out in Europe in 1939 When Hitler came to power in Germany in 1939, he was not at all secretive about his plans for Germany. He had four main aims, which were: - Abolish the Treaty of Versailles - Expand German territory - Defeat communism - The creation of One Reich He, like many others, believed the Treaty of Versailles was unjust and planned to abolish it. He called the German leaders who signed the Treaty the â€Å"November Criminals†Read MoreHow Responsible Was Hitler for the Outbreak of Ww21219 Words   |  5 Pagesoutbreak of World War 2(1939) to a significant extent. The many things that he did like going against the Treaty of Versailles which included the rearmament of Germany, his Lebensraum policy where he wanted to take over neighboring lands and gain more territory for Germany and his disrespect to the treaties he made. While Hitler was a great cause for World War 2, he was not the sole reason. The Great Depression, the weak leaders of the League of Nations and their appeasement policies, the harshnessRead MoreGermany s Foreign Policy During World War II1981 Words   |  8 Pagesaggressive foreign policy largely contributed to the outbreak of World War II. Revisionist and orthodox views regarding Hitler’s foreign policies can both be argued. The orthodox view suggests Hitler’s actions were the main contributors to the outbreak of war, wher eas the revisionist view counterclaims the policy of appeasement, and foreign policies of Japan and Italy were primary contributors. Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, assumed responsibility for German foreign policy in JanuaryRead MoreThe Treaty of Versailles Essay1998 Words   |  8 Pages Following the end of the First World War in 1919, it was decided that, prevention of another war was an important factor in Europe. The treaty of Versailles was signed between Britain, France and USA. Lloyd-George, Clemencau and Wilson all devised a treaty that could cripple Germany, leading to their aim - prevention of further conflict and a war. The treaty was to be divided; territorially, military, financially and Read MoreThe War Of The World War II1347 Words   |  6 Pagesbeen deterred from launching the Second World War? Only two decades after the Great War, the greats of the globe were launched once more into a world war. As Germany’s primary opponent, France and Great Britain felt the brunt of casualties of the deadliest war the world had seen by far. They were weakened economically, politically and militarily and unable to stop the nihilistic, yet charismatic, leader of Nazi Germany. With the end of the First World War, German people expected the armistice toRead More Appeasement Policy and the Munich Agreement Essay5805 Words   |  24 PagesThroughout history, negotiation has been a powerful tool used by world leaders to avoid violence and solve conflict. When negotiation succeeds all parties can feel that that have achieved their goals and met their expectations, but when negotiations go awry countries and relationships can be damaged beyond repair. The Munich Agreement of 1938 is a primary example of this type of failure, which was one of the catalysts to the start World War II and Czechoslovakia’s loss of independence. The Czech peopleRead MoreThe War Of The World War II1986 Words   |  8 Pages Introduction The First World War left massive destructions in the world since many people lost their lives and even property. These massive destructions were as partly as a result of the introduction of new war weapons, for example, machine guns and gas warfare. This war was majorly between Germany and the Allied power but Germany was blamed for the destructions that came about because they are said to have initiated the war (Kissinger, 2014). These destructions made people have a lot of fear towardsRead MoreThe Cause Of World War II1259 Words   |  6 PagesThere is a fact that the causes of World War II are from the end of World War I, which a consequences of ending the frist World War affect to cause World War II. For ending of World War I, The final Allied push towards the German border began on October 17, 1918. As the British, French and American armies advanced, the alliance between the Central Powers began to collapse. Turkey signed an armistice at the end of October, Austria-Hungary followed on November 3.Germany began to crumble from withinRead MoreSteps Leading to the Second World War Essay1266 Words   |  6 PagesSteps Leading to the Second World War The Treaty of Versailles, signed between the big three, on June 28th, 1919 solved nothing and it made the first step in leading to the Second World War. It either wasn’t harsh enough to cripple German and preventing it from standing up to its feet ever again; or it was too harsh that had outraged the German people. It had striped German of its land, army, power and dignity. It is unfair that many Germans were forced to live in new

Monday, December 9, 2019

Discussion on Vocation Limited

Questrion: How did the intangibles get on the balance sheet in the first place? Simply from an accounting perspective, the asset is a debit, then what was the credit? Was it an income item? Were intangibles used to inflate income and under what accounting treatment was this allowed? Answer: Introduction: The Vocation Limited along with its group was one of the largest vocational training providers in Australia. This group was publicly listed in Australian Stock Exchange and had 22 corporate entities. The group conducted the operation of providing vocational training through online and face-to-face courses. One of the reasons for liquidation is the poor operational procedure of the company. This procedural problem has forced various government clients to review the effectiveness and appropriateness of the courses provided to the student. The another reason that led the company to liquidation is that due to the adverse effect of the review the funding that was received by the government clients are repaid. Discussion: The primary problem comes from the different sets of decision-making issues and operational issues that has resulted towards misrepresentation of financial statements, non-adherence to different sorts transparency and good governance practices. The company was engaged in providing numerous sets of educational services and thereby was dependent upon the feedbacks and reviews gather from both individuals and government clients. The number of students seeking educational courses at its Avana, TDA and other colleges, under the purview of the group, has been left with no other options apart from dropping a year or seeking education elsewhere (Preiss, 2015). The subsequent evaluation of the different sets of courses has resulted towards aggravating the prospects of the company as large form of operational and financial performance issues were cropping up. The problem ensued when the Bawn and Aspin colleges received less than favorable reviews resulting in loss of grants and contracts from Victorian Government. There high quantum of degradation faced by the company in terms of depleting levels of reputation has resulted in long terms repercussions upon the companys financial stability. The anticipated announcement to be made by Victorian Department of Education has resulted in the company seeking lifting of voluntary suspension of trading in the ASX during October 2014. This was followed by earning update coupled with change in management structure with departure of CEO and MD Mark Hutchison 28.01.2015 Vocation on block as CEO resigns. (2015). The reviewing of strategic positioning of the company followed by effort made on the part of the company to disclose financial information has failed during the latter part of 2015. Therefore, the request made on behalf of the management regarding resuming of trading activities failed resulting in an extension on the suspension. As of 30.11.15, the company was on the verge of dissolution resulting from the high magnitudes of customer contact terminations ( 2016). The recent sets of nonpayment of listing fees for the ASX resulted towards extended suspension of trading stocks (The rise and fall of Vocation. 2014) . Three primary issues in the current case arise from the degree of mismanagement in terms of company operations showcased by the company performance. The inconsistency in terms of asset management and managing of operations resulted in insolvency on the part of organization. The degree of irrationality on the part of the company towards non-disclosure of financial information in turn has extended suspension of trading of Vocation Limiteds stocks. The suspension of securities of Vocation Limited from trading in the ASX coupled with the lack of support from different sets of shareholders tends to display the magnitude of financial management issues. The companies under the group tend to represent dormant class of assets thereby resulting in deficiency towards repayment prospects. The subsequent failure on the part of the group in several class action lawsuits along with the premises of unethical corporate behavior and mismanagement of stakeholders interests has had a cascading affect on different degrees of financial metrics (16-334MR ASIC commences civil penalty proceedings against Vocation Limited (in liquidation) | ASIC - Australian Securities and Investments Commission. 2016).. The fluctuations and subsequent drop of the different stock prices has ended in several lawsuits that were conducted upon the company by its different stakeholders that complained regarding the policies implemented by the government. The materiality principles state the fact that adequate disclosure of company policies can in turn be beneficial for undertaking relevant financial and investment decisions. By depriving the material knowledge regarding Vocations stakeholders, the company has aggravated its financial performance. Thereby, the class actions cases have resulted in the stakeholder getting the required degree of compensation to the aggrieved stakeholders. On analysis of the financial statement, it can be seen that the company acquired several business in 2014 and has made significant growth in the revenue. The primary expense of the group is relating to the delivery of the course, contract costs and employee cost. These expenses increased in the year 2014 due to the expansion activity of the company. In 2015 due to operational inefficiencies, there was a significant reduction in the revenue of the company. In 2015, a review was ordered by the DDECD on the three courses offered by the company and its group in order to ensure compliance. It is concluded from the review that some students were enrolled in wrong courses. It was further highlighted in the review procedure that few of the quality procedure of the group were inadequate and hence the company faced reputational damage that adversely affected the profit and finance of the company. The direct impact of the adverse review was that approximately $20 million of the government fundi ng was withdrawn from the company and as result, the operation of the Aspin and BAWM was ceased (How the threat of class actions resulted in financial ruining of Vocation. 2015). There was further review that was conducted by the government that further highlighted the operational weakness of the company as a result $27 million government funding was withdrawn. The company suffered from the loss of several institutional customers and this mainly due to the negative reviews of the public surrounding the organization. The review about the organization was regarding the enrollment of the students in such courses, which were inappropriate. The quality procedures of the group were also inappropriate. The funding by the government in reviewing the groups were withdrawn as it was resulting in expenses and this resulting in the ceasing of the operation of Aspin and BAMW (How John Dawkins' Vocation went wrong. 2016). The organization suffered several reputational damage due to the review conducted upon it. This caused a decline in the referral of the Vocation group by the third party. The company witnessed a great decline in the revenue due to the negative reviews getting prevalent. And this was compounded by the disposal of its various groups. In the financial year 2015, the group revenue suffered a great decline and this was accompanied by the los s resulting from the disposal of the assets. Mainly the factor that relates to the customers contracts has been at the forefront in terms of unsatisfactory level of financial performance ( 2016). Goodwill and relationships were mainly attributable to its decline. The provisions of revenue also increased due to the increment in the legal and the consulting fees. This resulted in the termination of the customer contracts and resulted in the unavailability of the funds for operations and the key stakeholders support was lacking due to which the operation of the company under this group was ceased. Therefore, it is sought that appointing the voluntary administrator would be the better option so that the interest of the creditors, shareholders, staffs and the students of the organization is protected. The organization should also consider the strategic reviews so that all the available options are considered. There were several issues regarding the disclosure of the obligations by the company, which resulted in the commencement of the action lawsuits of the several classes. Some of the information that was disclosed to the creditors was considered inappropriate. The indispensable information relating to the disclosure needs to be provide to the creditors The proceeds realized from the sale of the intellectual property would be made available to the creditors if the proceeds from the non circulating assets would have less priority over the secured creditors of the first ranking until the time the debt is repaid fully. Other includes the details that are generated from the proceeding of the litigation and the potential recoveries. The various details that the ongoing concern receives from the sale proceedings should also need to be disclosed. The company made not all the necessary disclosures to its stakeholders. In order to overcome these operational inefficiencies identified in the review the solution that can be suggested is to provide appropriate work force for various operation that is needed to be performed. Further, there should be proper checks and balances so that no process of the company is unchecked. The company should also conduct operational audit in order to identify weakness and gaps that exist in the operation. The suggested solution will help the management of the company to identify the problems that exist in the operations. This will help the management to plan appropriately so that the weakness could be overcome. The suggested solution will not only help to improve the operational capacity of the company but it will also affect the financial condition of the company. The financial condition is improved as the operational errors are removed and the reputation of the company is improved. The only weakness of this suggestion is the cost involved in the implementation of the operational audit. On analyzing the condition, it can be said that the benefit of the operational audit much surpasses the cost so in order to avoid the liquidation the operation should be implemented. The limitation of examining the operation of the company is that it is a long and time-consuming process. In order to avoid liquidation, the solution cannot give immediate result and thereby is not of any pertinence in case of improving the current sets of liquidation measures. The obligation to make the disclosure is included in the guide of reporting principles of the company and the practice of corporate governance need to be disclosed. This is regarded as the central to the governance approach of ASX and the company needs to provide a well-reasoned explanation as per the council of ASX corporate governance. The if not, why not approach concerning the adherence towards the ASX guidelines tends to foster good corporate governance practices amongst the different companies that are listed on the ASX ( 2016). Conclusion: The above report focused towards evaluating the reasons behind the financial performance of Vocational Limited and evaluated the different factors that arise out of the dissolution. The report has been prepared in conjunction with different news reported over the past two years regarding the operations that has arisen from managerial and financial circumstances. References and Bibliography: How the threat of class actions helped kill Vocation. (2015).Financial Review. Retrieved 5 October 2016, from (2016). Retrieved 5 October 2016, from (2016). Retrieved 5 October 2016, from Preiss, S. (2015). Up to 12,000 students in limbo after Vocation collapse. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 5 October 2016, from 16-334MR ASIC commences civil penalty proceedings against Vocation Limited (in liquidation) | ASIC - Australian Securities and Investments Commission. (2016). Retrieved 5 October 2016, from Vocation on block as CEO resigns. (2015). Retrieved 5 October 2016, from The rise and fall of Vocation. (2014). Financial Review. Retrieved 5 October 2016, from

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Natural Law theory Essay Example

Natural Law theory Paper Natural Law is becoming more irrelevant due to our secular culture. Natural Law depends on the belief that the world was designed by a creator, and that morality is absolute according to his standards. Aquinas assumes that all men must seek to worship God. What about an atheist? According to Thompson, if someone does not believe in God, then â€Å"the natural law theory loses its foundation. † Furthermore, in today’s society natural law has largely been replaced by utilitarianism, the belief that our moral choices are less absolute and should be based on creating the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. It has even been referred to as, â€Å"the ethics of the planet. † It is far less restrictive and many argue it is a superior philosophy to natural law. According to Peter Mullen, Working with Morality, it may be necessary, for example, to torture an innocent person to save the lives of thousands. Peter Singer once wrote a piece condemning natural law in a magazine called Project Syndicate. He prefers practical ethics to theoretical ethics. He cites the case of a South American woman called Beatriz who was pregnant and suffers from lupus, this made the pregnancy difficult. Furthermore, the child had anencephaly. Singer was enraged that the natural law philosophy of Catholic El Salvador prevented her from getting an abortion. He wrote with regard to natural law, â€Å"The use of the term â€Å"being with a rational nature† is very broad, perhaps too broad. † Even the Pope has recently condoned the breaking of natural law in extreme circumstances. Pope Francis has indicated that women exposed to the Zika virus may be permitted to use contraception to avoid pregnancy, in a departure from Catholic teaching. We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Law theory specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Law theory specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Law theory specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer His comments came as women in South America frantically try to terminate pregnancies for fear of giving birth to babies with microcephaly, which gives them unusually small heads. He said that unlike abortion, â€Å"avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil† and in certain circumstances it may be â€Å"the lesser evil†. This proves that natural law is becoming irrelevant even for the Catholic Church. Among more orthodox thinkers, objection to the natural law takes several forms. Many, Protestant evangelicals in particular, presume that natural-law thinking fails to take seriously the condition of human sin and places misguided trust in the powers of human reason debilitated by the Fall. Consequently, natural-law theory is thought to be insufficiently Christocentric and located outside the realm of grace, thereby engendering a version of works-righteousness. These critics remain sceptical out of a concern that natural law is autonomous and somehow external to the centre of theological ethics and God’s providential care of the world. On the other hand, many would argue that natural law is not irrelevant because it is instinctual within all humans. Some believe that God has implanted the natural law as a form of moral instinct. For example, the writer Johannes Teutonicus said that the natural law of men is based on an, â€Å"instinct proceeding from reason. † Therefore even if one is an atheist you cannot escape the urge to follow natural law based on your conscience. Finally, Natural Law continues to be central to Catholic teaching. Early teachers such as Aquinas supported it and so do modern day clergy. The RCC believes that everyone is subject to it from birth (natio), because it contains only those duties which are derivable from human nature itself, and because, absolutely speaking, its essentials can be grasped by the unaided light of human reason. Just recently in March 2015 Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco has invoked the natural law in stressing the moral unacceptability of gay sex and gay marriage.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Old Yeller essays

Old Yeller essays Responsibility is someone who makes decisions is mature and reliable. Responsibility is shown all through Fred Gipsons novel Old Yeller about a family living in the dangerous wilderness in 1860. The young hard working Travis, his loving mother and the loyal dog Old Yeller all show responsibility. Travis has many responsibilities when his father left for the cattle drive and he must work hard to take care of his family. Papa's chores weren't easy. Marking their hogs was a lot of hard work. Old Yeller and Travis work together to mark all thirty hogs. The job gets dangerous when the two get hurt badly from the mad hogs. In addition to marking the hogs Travis also had to supply food to his family. Killing a deer on the run Travis feels proud and important supplying food to his family. Above all Travis had to keep the varmints out of the corn patch. Again Travis and Old Yeller work together staying up at all hours of the night fighting off the varmints in the corn patch. Travis working hard and his responsibility was not enough for the family. Mama also had to work hard for the familys survival. Hard work was a big part of the familys survival but the family also needed loving care supplied by Mama. Mama showed her loving care by keeping her family well fed. When Bud Sanderson comes to claim Old Yeller Mama makes a delicious meal of venison, cornbread, stewed squirrel and fried catfish in trade for Old Yeller. Another way Mama shows her loving care is when she takes care of Travis and Old Yeller when the two are hurt from the hogs. Mama uses her cleverness to sew up Old Yeller using a long hair from their mule's tail. For the next week she waits on them hand and foot doing all their chores. Once more Mama shows her loving care when Old Yeller becomes ill and must be shot died out of his misery. Travis is in shock when he learns he must shot his dog. Mama realizes the pain he must fell and offers to do it for him. Although...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline - Questions

'The Orphan Train' by Christina Baker Kline - Questions The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline moves back and forth between two stories that of a young orphan girl in the early twentieth century and that of a teenager in the modern-day foster care system. As such, book clubs that read this book have the opportunity to discuss American history, foster care issues or the relationships between characters in this particular novel. Choose among these discussion questions as you decide which threads are most interesting for your group to discuss more deeply. Spoiler Warning: Some of these questions reveal details from the end of the novel. Finish the book before reading on. Questions AboutThe Orphan Train The prolog gives away many of the details of Vivians life, such as when her parents died and the fact that her true love would die when she was 23. Did you remember these details as you read the novel? Do you think the prolog adds something important to the story?In many ways, the main story in this book is Vivians; however, the novels opening and closing chapters are in Spring Harbor in 2011 and contain Mollys story. Why do you think the author chose to frame the novel with Mollys experience?Were you more connected to one thread of the story the past or present, Vivians or Mollys? Do you think moving back and forth between time and the two stories added something to the novel that would have been missing if it was one linear story? Or do you think it detracted from the main narrative?Had you heard of the orphan trains before reading this novel? Do you think there were benefits to the system? What were the downsides that the novel highlighted?Compare and contrast Vivians experiences with Mollys. What are some ways that the current foster care system still needs to improve? Do you think any system could deal with the hole provided when a child loses his or her parents (either through death or neglect)? Molly and Vivian each held on to a necklace linking them to their cultural heritage even though their early experiences within those cultures were not entirely positive. Discuss why you think heritage is (or is not) important to personal identity.Does molly complete a portage project for school answering the questions, What did you choose to bring with you to the next place? What did you leave behind? What insights did you gain about whats important? (131). Take some time as a group to share your own experiences moving and how you would answer these questions personally.Did you think Vivian and Mollys relationship was believable?Why do you think Vivian chose to give up her baby? Vivian says of herself, I was a coward. I was selfish and afraid (251). Do you think thats true?Why do you think Vivian eventually takes Molly up on her offer to help her reconnect with her daughter? Do you think that learning the truth about Maisie had an impact on her decision?Why do you think Vivians story helps Molly experience more peace and closure with her own? Rate The Orphan Train on a scale of 1 to 5. The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline was published in April 2013Publisher: William Morrow288 Pages

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Company Products and Processes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Company Products and Processes - Research Paper Example They are well packaged in bottles and cans ready for consumption anytime and anywhere. Some of the tea and coffee products include Georgia, Illy, Earth and Sky (The Coca-Cola Company, 2012). The company’s juices or juice drinks come in a variety of brands for consumption by both children and adults. Examples of juice drinks brands include Bright and Early, Fuze, and Odwalla. Water beverages come in various brands that include Dasani plus, Vio, and Zero. Sports drinks offer terrific taste and rapid hydration for the people who seek fitness at any given level. Examples of sports drinks made by the Coca-Cola Company include Fuze, Option, and Zero. Energy drinks brands include Rehab, BURN, Play, Tab, and Full Throme. These brands are good for people who have a high-intensity tendency towards life. This is because they contain ingredients like caffeine, B vitamins, guarana extracts, and ginseng extracts. Other drinks include soup and milk products including Hugo, Epika, and Godiva (The Coca-Cola Company, 2012). To provide and ensure reliability and consistency, the Coca-Cola system is administered by KORE (Coca-Cola Operating Requirements). KORE is a management system that assists the Coca-Cola system to tackle changes in the business landscape. The system attempts to support the company’s growth by developing an integrated quality management program that holds all of the company’s system-wide operations, production standards, and beverage distribution. The KORE system ensures that high product quality, safety, environmental, health, and occupational safety standards are maintained during production. To establish a proper governance process, every business in the Coca-Cola system documents, maintains, and implements a quality and safety system according to the KORE requirements. It isworth noting that the Coca-Cola system is made up of the company, its bottlers, and its consumers. The bottling partners play an important role

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Security and Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Security and Risk Management - Essay Example A good and well thought out research project should follow a definite plan taking into account the following steps: (Denscombe, 2010: 321)  Ã‚   1.  Define the research question or what the objective of the research is.2.  Look up relevant and current sources of information from print and online sources like books, magazines, blog and forum comments and social media.3.  Determine and specify what the research will and will not cover i.e. boundaries of the project. 4.  Reevaluate the research question based on the nature and extent of information you have gathered and the boundaries of the research project. 5.  Select the most appropriate investigative methods and research tools depending on the type of research. 6.  Plan how you will go about the entire research project.7.  Begin to get the relevant information from libraries, interviews, surveys etc using the variety of methods at your disposal. 8.  Refine the search strategy if needed. 9.  Keep writing and organ izing data and notes critical and useful to writing out the research report. This also helps to keep track of all sources.10.  Evaluate the sources using appropriate criteria.11.  Synthesize, analyze and integrate information sources and prior knowledge about the subject area before writing the research report. 12.  Revise the hypothesis if needed. 13.  Begin working on the report using the gathered information effectively so that it meets the specific objectives that the report was needed for. 14. Keep in mind the rights to ownership of information, cost to collect the information and avoid plagiarism. 15. We have a duty to cite properly all the sources we have used, so that intellectual copyright is maintained and due credit is given for the sources of ideas. A Critical Review and Analysis of the Report on Shoplifting Presented by the Security Manager Working at the Large Departmental Store We will now review the research report on the issue of shoplifting prepared by the Security Manager of the large departmental store. Statement of the Problem: As noted, the first part of the research report, namely the Introduction, should clearly state the purpose and scope of the research, the research objectives or what the researcher is trying to prove or disprove regarding a particular topic. Though the topic of the research is stated, i.e. shoplifting, the security manager seeks to limit the purpose of the report by stating that it is only concerned with why the problem of shoplifting is occurring in the department store where he has been hired. He is not concerned with the general reasons for shoplifting, or what previous studies or reviews have found about this problem. By restricting its purpose and scope, it is only likely to be useful to the present management of the store, if at all. Secondly, since it appears to him that customers are the likely

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Science in the community-Morrisons Essay Example for Free

Science in the community-Morrisons Essay A bit about Morrisions Morrisons is the UK’s fourth largest food retailer with over over 450 stores. The products sold are mainly groceries and food a unique point is that they source and process most of the fresh food that they sell though their own manufacturing facilities; in fact they have the most people preparing food in their stores than any other supermarket. The business started in 1899 as market stall by Bradford Morrison and has gradually expanded to be what it is now in 2011. How Morrison’s Contributes to the economy Morrisons does a lot of things which contribute to the economy. One of this is that it creates 124,000 jobs all around the country. It has provided over 1 million training days and provides skills for its workers if they wish to move up they professional ladder as 30% of senior management started on the shop floor. This contributes massively to the economy as it causes a multiplier affect; if people have jobs then they have money to spend on other businesses which benefits these other businesses. The fact that they have money now means they can pay more tax which is also inclusive of businesses who pay more tax if they make more profits. This tax can then be used of critical services such as education and health and the boost in successful business lead to a better economic growth which is something this economy needs right now due to the depression and job cuts. Morrisons are also encouraging healthy, balanced lifestyles by labelling products with nutritional information and giving tips on healthy eating This is important to the economy as healthy eating reduces the chances of health problems in the future which saves our more of our tax money which means the money could be going to something which would be more beneficial to the economy. How Morrisons manages its waste material Morrions actively watches its energy consumption and make sure it promotes efficient energy measures. In regards to waste they monitor chain waste from cradle to death to make sure it meets duty of care responsibilities. Morrisons like to make sure they have a little waste as possible so they have a lot of rules and targets regarding their waste one of them being to produce zero waste direct to landfill from stores by 2013 and another one being to have 10% package reduction on own brand packaging by 2012. They also have their own bags for life to reduce the need of new plastic bags being used which reduces the amount of plastic bags needed to be made. In fact as a result of this 631 million carrier bags have been saved. Use of ICT in data management A lot of ICT is used in Morrisons for all sorts of functions some of them being: Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) Bar codes Self scanning stores Electronic funds transfer at point of sale Energy management systems Electronic Point of Sale EPOS is a self contained, computerized equipment which undertakes all the task of a store checkout counter. It allows payments by bank and credit cards. It verifies transactions, it can provide sales reports, it coordinates inventory data and performs many other services which were normally provided by employees in the earlier years. Bar Codes A barcode is a series of vertical bars of varying widths, in which each of the digits zero through nine are represented by a different pattern of bars that can be read by a laser scanner. This is found on every product at morrsion and is what the EPOS scans. Self scanning stores Self-scanning checkout, also known as self checkouts is an automated process that enables shoppers to scan, bag, and pay for their purchases without the need for human assistance. Electronic funds transfer at point of scale EFTAPOS allows customers to pay for their shopping using a debit or credit card instead of cash. The money is taken electronically from the customers bank account and paid to the supermarkets account. Energy management systems An energy management system (EMS) is a system which uses computer-aided tools to monitor, control, optimize performance and conserve energy around Morrisons. Technological Development Costs to the retailer Benefits to the retailer EPOS Expensive to set up and maintain Staff need to be trained- costly and time consuming More efficient- more customers can be served whilst customer service is improved because things like more eye contact and friendly can be used Better accuracy with adding up totals Bar Codes Scanners cannot read barcodes which are crumpled sometimes making the work harder. Employees have to be trained on how to work barcodes which takes time More efficient, lots of products can be scanned in little time. Self scanning Stores ICT is prone to issues especially with self checkouts. They can sometimes end up being more time confusion than advertised Reduces the amount of jobs available which is bad for the economy More time efficient for both customers and employees as more can be done in a shorter period of time Gives customers more options which could attract them to Morrison even more EFTPOS Lots of money has to be spent on the security of networks Expensive to set up Customers don’t have to carry lots of money around which would be more prone to being lost Energy Management Systems Expensive to set up and train staff Expensive to maintain Reduces cost for Morrisons as it saves money on energy Better business reputation as people will know Morrisons is being energy effieicnt which could increase overall business Demand on transport and communication systems Morrisons has 455 stores nationwide so deliveries are made all around the UK to these superstores mainly by lorries which travel along all the main motorways such as the A14 and the M11. Lots of key products such as produce are delieved to many different stores everyday so this puts a lot of demand on lorries as the main transport system. Planes and ships are also used for many items brought oversees such as bananas and this too is a regular occurance which put strain on those transport systems. Morrison also has a lot of demand with communication systems as they use all forms of communications including phones, email and letters which it uses for its customers, suppliers and shareholders. This is because things like shopping can now be done online, or through the phone so there is no need to always go to a store. Shareholders can also be far off making it hard to communicate face to face which is which there is such demand with phones and letters. Effects on the community and the environment The main effect Morrisons has had on the economy and the effect they pry themselves one is their encouragement of healthy fresh foods. They promote at 50 fresh foods every week as well as labelling nutritional information and giving information on healthy eating. This has helped to make the community a lot more healthy which leads to less health problems. Every year they also support a national charity, this year they are supporting Help the Hospices and they managed to raise  £3.1 million. The chief executive said â€Å"The partnership with Morrisons has been a huge success and we are absolutely delighted to have raised over  £1.3 million for hospice care. This is a fantastic achievement and is testament to the dedication of Morrisons colleagues, who have really taken the hospice cause to their hearts.† Morrisons has also affected the wider community by linking up with one foundation and stocking its products of which 100% of profits go towards building vegetable gardens, sanitation blocks and water pumps in places like Africa and Asia. Morrisons are very concerned about the environment so to a lot of things to minimise their effect on it. They try to minimise their emissions and carbon footprints and they also recycle as much as they can encouraging their customers to do so also. They are the first supermarket to be awarded the carbon trust standard. Bibliography Date Website Used for 18.11.11 How Morrison’s prevent waste 18.11.11 Definition for EPOS 21.11.11 Definition of energy management system 22.11.11 How morrisons supports the community Having finished it yet high but ill finish it by the weekend and reupload it in a workshop lesson if that’s ok.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing Movie and Book Versions of Cains Mildred Pierce Essay

Comparing Movie and Book Versions of Cain's Mildred Pierce I pity the screenwriter who had to adapt the novel, Mildred Pierce, from 289 pages down to an hour and 57 minute movie. The main character, Mildred Pierce, repeatedly steps out of the traditional role for women of that era, and challenges society’s norms about class. Significant changes were made to the plot while converting it from book to movie. These changes add up to a significant difference in the meaning. In both the book and the movie, the story is about a housewife who dramatically changes her life. She kicks out her unfaithful husband and starts making a living on her own. Her life’s desire is to win the love of her snobby daughter Veda who â€Å"steals her money, her clothes, her man, and acts like a spoiled brat throughout [the story].† (Easterbrook) Mildred’s sick, driving love for Veda has a hint of masochism. She spends years providing love and money, and trying to please Veda. Mildred uses people to try to get Veda back into her life and ends up with nothing. As LaValley says, â€Å"Veda is ungrateful and vicious† (LaValley 11) Mildred’s obsession with Veda is â€Å"less like a mother [but more] like a lover who has unexpectedly discovered an act of faithlessness and avenged it.† (Cain 240) An example of this is in the passage: â€Å"At Veda’s [. . .] sticky kisses that started at her eyes and ended below her throat, Mildred r elaxed [. . .]†(201), or â€Å"she [Mildred] took the lovely creature [Veda] in her arms and kissed her, hard, on the mouth.† (268) Although Mildred and Veda’s relationship stays basically the same, changes were made to adapt the story. The background of several of the main characters is not detailed, but rather sketchy. Many of the characters ha... ...e book for screen changed the mood of the story. The book is timeless and in many ways it feels like it was written yesterday. It has a very modern feel to it, which is not reflected in the movie because of the manner in which it was produced. In the movie the focus was on the scandalous murder mystery. The focus of the story in the book was about a woman and her struggles to survive the hardships of the Depression, while coping with the dysfunction of her family and relationships. The book is also an in-depth study of human behavior and corruptness, dealing with the shortcomings of men and women. David Madden said it best when he wrote; â€Å"he [Cain] created an objective, disinterested, often pessimistic view of life that is simultaneously terrifying and starkly beautiful.† I think it’s sad that the movie almost completely loses Cain’s judgment and analysis of life.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ethical Consumer and Fair Trade

QUESTION 3:Choose one of the theoretical approhes considered during the module, apply it to a particular issue or text and discuss how useful that approach is in analyzing, evaluating or questioning your chosen topic. Ethical Consumer and Fair Trade Introduction: Social responsibility and marketing ethics are natively controversial , continues research in this area represents conflicts and challenges addressed to marketers in respect to socially responsible approach to marketing activities(Laczniak and Murphy, 1993; Smith and Quelch, 1996).The aim of the essay is to explain arising phenomenon of Ethical consumption by the use of related theoretical frameworks, as well as explaining Fair Trade and paradoxes of ethical consumption in respect to the use of child labour by western MNC’s. The essay will be structured as follows :the rise of ethical consumption , theoretical approaches and critics ,business aspect of ethical consumption, explaining Fair Trade , paradox of child labo ur.Escalation of ethical concerns about the influence of modern consumption culture on society and the environment, the rising importance of these environmental and social issues within mainstream media, the emergence of organised consumer activist groups and the growing availability of ethical products, have all led to a rising awareness by consumers of the impact of their purchasing and consumption behaviour.In addition (Rob Harrison, 2005) provide external factors which have atributed to the rise of ethical consumtion: the globalisation of market combined with the weakening role of the state, the rise of MNC’s and brands, rise of campainging groups, enviroment as well as social effects of technological advance, shift in market power to consumers , and the growth of a wider corporate responsibility. Rise of Ethical consumption A new category of consumer – the ‘ethical consumer’ – has arisen.Ethical consumerism can be view as a process which contri butes to an ecologically sustainable future through development of sustainable lifestyles. Characteristics of ethical consumer   includes both ‘fairness’ in the sense of support for producers as well as environmental sustainability. Thus rise of the ‘ethical consumer’ and ‘ethical shopping’ via recycling and   boycotts over the past decade displays concern for sustainable consumption and social responsibility. Consumers, as a concerned party, can orient their choice and exercise purchaser power to buy the products which were made with the least harm to the environment.Furthermore this process the consumer becomes connected to, and an active participant in, global social and environmental issues. Ethics will contain different expressions, concerns and issues for each individual. Examples of ethical concerns for the ethically conscious include environmental/green issues, sustainability concerns, labours’ rights, country of origin, arms trade, fair trade and animal welfare. ‘Green’ consumerism, it should be noted, is subsumed within the broader category of ethical consumerism.The wider range of issues (including environmentalism) integrated within ethical consumerism produces complex decision-making processes for ethically minded consumers (Freestone and McGoldrick, 2008). Theoretical Approach: Baumhart (1961) and Tzalikis and Frizsche (1989) propose that the morale issues in marketing are crucial ,as marketing is expected to detect , anticipate and satisfy customer desires profitably , thus forming and sustaining the interface between consumer needs and companies market aspirations.There are problems in achieving a general agreement on the ethics in marketing stem resulted from the lack of uniform philosophical arguments of what is â€Å"good† and whereas â€Å"good† and â€Å"ethical† have matching meaning. Kant’s (1788) had an utilitarian and deontological views on ethic s based on reason,intention and duty. He states that duties cannot be connected with self-interest expressed in expected payoffs or rewards. Hence businesses should not exist to satisfy the needs of the society and companies have a responsibility, a moral obligation to deliver benefits to the society..Using Kant’s ethical theory as a reference point it can be argued that it pay off for companies to appear ethical : their expectations of enlarged sales , market share and profitability to appear as motivated by objective other than self-interest(Yeo,1988) In contrast John Mills (1998) ,has utilitarian view based on the outcome indicating that business ethics should maximize the total amount of pleasure worldwide and minimise the total amount of pain consequently enhancing the scope of beneficiaries.Mills associate ethics with the common â€Å"good† rather than self-interest. Nantel and Weeks(1996) argues that the use   of ethics in marketing is a paradox in itself as t he meaning of marketing, which is predominantly utilitarian , provides marketing managers with the justification for ethical behaviour when they ensure that the consequences of their behaviour are moral. In addition, in international marketing the problem becomes even more complex and important as the common â€Å"good† should transcend country borders.Crane and Matten (2004) stresses the fact that their is no moral absolutes and hence the implication of what is moral is based on the social context of the society in which they are practised. Hence in marketing terms   ethical relativism can justify diverse ethical standards applied to various countries and evolve over time. Besides , this forms a need for marketing adaptation within a particular market over time as the social culture, knowledge and technology change across markets at a given time. Business aspect of Ethical Consumption: n order to support ethical behaviour companies and industry organisations have adopt cod es of ethics or relied on self-regulation , consumer watchdogs, or external audit. Yet , these efforts alone are not enough to abolish unethical conduct. Businesses have been relatively passive in investigate their in marketing ethics and are still operating according to traditional business models and process that do not reflect consumer interests and ethical implications of their activity often continue afterthought and are yet to be thoroughly incorporated into management decision-making.The contingency framework can accelerate this pre-emptive approach to ethical decision-making. To embed ethics into firms planning and strategy formulation process , marketers should learn from consumers ethical evaluation of their marketing techniques (Smith and Cooper-Martin 1997). An â€Å"ethical execution of the marketing program. In addition to financial , market, and competitive objectives, marketers should include consumer concerns and ethical integrity as important criteria for manageme nt decision making .Furthermore, ethics must be matched throughout the marketing planning process from product development, market selection , advertising and promotion execution. Fair Trade: The fair trade concept, based on the idea of both economic activity and social development, is replete with ethical and sustainable echoes. Ransom (2002 p 20) asks, ‘can the process of production be democratized, ownership shared, organized labor encouraged, child labor made unnecessary, environmental sustainability and human rights promoted? This is likely to happen through the established process of consumerism, the normal working process of the market changed only slightly to make sure that a greater share of the profit is repaid to the original producers. Fair Trade is a new approach to the buyer-supplier transactions which aims at quality of exchange within a partnership approach. It is recognizes the power discrepancy between the developing and developed worlds(Strong, 1996). The bu siness focus is on the producer , rather than the consumer , has been central to Fair Trade.Although there is controversy about Fair Trade with the large corporations like Cadbury, Tesco’s , Tate and many more entering the market for FairTrade. The market for fairly traded products. The market for fairly traded products reached sales of ? 576m a year ,one out of five worldwide Fair Trade product are sold in the UK. Dr Iain Davies states that initial principles of the movement are being diluted by MNC’s entering market as well as the fact that consumer might not paying attention to the fact that how much in percentages this product is Fair traded exactly.Fair trade become a trendy brand itself . Research is not about blaming corporations, but is about making sure that people know that buying Fair trade-marked products from corporations is not the same as buying from companies that are 100 percent dedicated such as Traidcraft, Divine or Cafedirect. However, Dr. Iain Davi ess also confirms that consumers can rest assured that, everywhere the Fairtrade mark appears on a product, the producers co-op have received the Fair trade price and premium which they use for social schemes like   healthcare and education, or business developments.The rise of fair trade goods in retail and on the Internet can be said to have created decisively, in the sense that it was promoted through co-operation and campaigning events of social groups such as charities, small businesses, and community groups. The market in contrast has grown throughout consumer decisions based on individual ethics. Child Labour: Today, there are around 215 million children full-time employed throughout the world. In order to explain the issue of child labour, theoretical framework described earlier in the essay will be applied.Deontologist might reject to buy product made by child labour on principle, reasoning that this is violet a fundamental moral rule against the exploitation of children. However the paradox arise when one is faced with the argument that the fate of children is worsened by this action as the vital source of family income may be reduced. In respect to utilitarian approach, consumer might buy products made by the use of child labour, since not to do so would cause more damage than good. it might be incorrect to force corporations to dismiss their child workers.The main cause for children doing work is poverty. Earning money is an inevitable necessity for them. If they must give up their work in Western companies, they are forced to interchange them for something else, and this might not be to their benefit. For example when the U. S. government banned the import of clothing made by children labour under 14 in Bangladesh, around 50. 000 of them went from their works in the comparatively clean textile factories to collecting garbage, braking bricks and getting into prostitution.Moreover, economics models in certain conditions (where demand is assumed to be an elastic variable) product boycotts even can cause child labour to rise rather than decline. Conclusion It is difficult to draw specific conclusions about the merit of ethical behavior, nor the imperfections of unethical behavior given the contradictory research evidence. Consumers do seem to need more information to allow them to make better ethical judgments, and there is a role for firms to communicate this more efficiently through the media. Similarly, consumers need to more easily be able to compare and contrast the ethical ehavior of different businesses and their products if ethical values are to enter into their purchase decisions. Bibliography : Harrison, Rob, Terry Newholm, and Deirdre Shaw. The Ethical Consumer. London: SAGE, 2005. Print. Nicholls, Alex, and Charlotte Opal. â€Å"Fair Trade: Market-Driven Ethical Consumption [Paperback]. † Fair Trade: Market-Driven Ethical Consumption: Alex Nicholls, Charlotte Opal: 9781412901055: Amazon. com: Books. N. p. , n. d. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. Carrigan, Marylyn. â€Å"International Marketing Review. † Emerald. N. p. , n. d. Web. 14 Mar. 013. Bondy, Tierney. â€Å"Journal of Business Ethics. † Springer. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. Matthew Adams and Jayne Raisborough â€Å"Journal of Business Ethics† (2010) 97:139–158 Isabelle Szmigin, Marylyn Carrigan and Morven G. McEachern International â€Å"Journal of Consumer Studies† ISSN 1470-6423 Anne-Marie Coles, Lisa Harris â€Å"Journal of Research for Consumers† Issue: 10, 2006 Carrigan, Marylyn and Attalla ,Ahmad â€Å"Journal Of Consumer Marketing†, VOL. 18 NO. 7 2001, pp. 560-577 Tierney Bondy Vishal Talwar â€Å"Journal of Business Ethics† (2011) 101:365–383 Read also: Disadvantages of Ethics in the Workplace

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Eastern Tobacco Company Essay

Introduction Why the Eastern Tobacco Company in Egypt is an example of monopolistic competition? Eastern Tobacco Company is known as the largest tobacco producer in Egypt. The company produces different products such as cigarettes, molasses tobacco, pipe tobacco and cigars (Oxford Business Group, 2008). Additionally, it produces other products that are related to cigarettes. These may include homogenized and filter rods tobacco (Owen & Pamuk, 1998). Their entire products are divided into two categories. These may include local and export products. The company is known as the largest company producing large amount of tobacco in Egypt Thus, it faces stiff competition by local and international companies that produces tobacco. Eastern Tobacco Company is an example of monopolistic competition (Owen & Pamuk, 1998). This is due to the fact that all tobacco industry is categorized in monopolistic competition. One of the viable reasons that make Eastern Tobacco Company to be categorized in monopolistic competition is the fact that there are quite a large number of companies that are producing the same products; however, they have differentiated them. This means that all companies under tobacco sector are satisfying the market demand for tobacco (Solow, 1999). Another reason that makes Eastern Tobacco Company to be a good example of monopolistic competition is the fact that it brings out differentiated products that are reasonably close substitutes for each other (Oxford Business Group, 2008).   For instance, the company brings into the market different types of cigarettes. These may include homogenized and filter rods cigarettes. It also produces different types of tobacco, for instance, molasses tobacco, pipe tobacco. Thus, the company has one of the characteristics of firms that are categorized in the group of monopolistic competition. Due to the fact that products are of close substitutes, there can be any reduction of price. This can be seen in Eastern Tobacco Company as they can be in a position to reduce the price of their products (Owen & Pamuk, 1998). This helps them to attract large number of customers and thus, they are perceived as the largest company in Egypt producing tobacco. One of the major characteristics of monopolistic competition is the fact that there are a large number of sellers (Solow, 1999). They tend to sell differentiated products. This can be evidenced in tobacco industry, as there is quite number of sellers that sell different types of tobacco. For instance, many local companies are selling same products as Eastern Tobacco Company. Thus, there is a different seller that sells tobacco like Eastern Tobacco Company. This means that Eastern Tobacco Company have achieved this characteristics of monopolistic competition where many sellers selling differentiated products dominate the industry. Eastern Tobacco Company does not have price competition. This is due to the fact that the company has the freedom to win over its entire customers. For instance, large number of customers prefers Eastern Tobacco Company as they offer after sales services. This is a situation where a buyer purchases large tonnes of tobacco and the company offers to take them to his or her home. Offering after sales services is one way that Eastern Tobacco Company uses to attract large number of customers. From the above point of view, it is clearly evidenced that Eastern Tobacco Company has all characteristics that monopolistic competition is associated with. Thus, it can be classified as a good example of monopolistic competition. For instance, the company has similar products but has differentiated them to different brands. These may include molasses tobacco, pipe tobacco (Oxford Business Group, 2008). Therefore, it is an example of monopolistic competition. References Owen, E. R. J., & Pamuk, S. (1998). A history of Middle East economies in the twentieth century.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   London: I.B. Tauris Publishers. Oxford Business Group. (2008). The Report: Emerging Egypt 2008. London: Oxford Business Group. Solow, R. M. (1999). Monopolistic competition and macroeconomic theory. Cambridge [u.a.:   Ã‚  Ã‚   Cambridge Univ. Press.   

Thursday, November 7, 2019

edward De Vere essays

edward De Vere essays Edward de Vere, the seventeenth Earl of Oxford, is perhaps the most influential and imaginative author of the renaissance. Though he received a bad name for his poor money management and harsh behavior, his work on poetry and development of verse has been key to the history of literature. De Vere was born at Castle Hedingham in Essex, April 2, 1550 (May 1). The de Vere family was hereditarily the Lord Chamberlains of England (May 1). They had been among the country's finest Earls since they had arrived from Normandy with William the conqueror (Ogburn 4). Edward's father, the sixteenth Earl, was a kind and popular man who owned a company of theatrical players at Hedingham (May 2). He died when Edward was 12, and Edward then moved to London with William Cecil, the most powerful man in the country (Green letter). De Vere's relationship with Cecil was never very good, even after he married Cecil's 14-year-old daughter Anne (Ogburn 12). Edward earned a Bachelor's degree at the age of 14, a Masters at 16, then studied law (Ogburn 6). He lost vast sums of money by backing failed trips to the New World and selling off most of his inheritance (Green letter). De Vere was a fan of the arts. He was associated with the growth of the public theatre, he was the leader of a group of writers dedicated to developing the English language, and is regarded as one of the finest Elizabethan poets (Frisbee 27). By the year of 1571, Edward de Vere was probably regarded with higher expectations than any other young nobleman (May 3). He was the premier earl of England, son in law and student of William Cecil, and an accomplished, wealthy, educated man. He was praised and thought of very highly. However, by January of 1575 he was well on his way to being broke (May 3). He had set out upon an elegant continental tour (May 3). During his 15 months abroad, Edward spent some 4,561 pounds (May 4). A sum derived mostly from selling his large mon...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Using ABC Countdowns to Summer in School

Using ABC Countdowns to Summer in School Lets face it. Everyones counting down the days until summer vacation- the students, the teachers, even the administrators! Instead of merely marking each passing day off on your calendar, make the countdown fun and give everyone something unique to look forward to! Whats the ABC Countdown? The ABC Countdown is something that teachers put together so that something cool and exciting happens each day to count down to summer. When there are 26 days left in school, assign each day a letter of the alphabet. For example, the 26th day is A, the 25th day is B, and so on, all the way down to the last day of school which is Z. Have Fun With It There are fewer than 26 school days left in your year, consider spelling out a shorter word, such as the school name, mascot, or even just the word Summer. It doesnt matter so much how long the countdown is, just have fun with it. Examples You Can Use Next, its time to get creative! On A Day, we called it Art Day so the kids got to do a special Art lesson in the classroom. On B Day, we called it Buddy Reading Day so the kids brought books from home that they got to read with a friend during silent reading time. C Day is Career Day and the kids dressed up as a person in the career they would like to enter someday. Future doctors wore white coats and future football players wore their jerseys and brought along a football. The countdown continues like that until the final day of school, Z Day, which stands for Zip Up Your Bags and Zoom Home Day! The kids love the countdown because it gives them something to get excited about each day. We would recommend making up flyers with the information for the students to take home. You might also like to make a copy for each child to keep at school for reference. We would bet your students would tape the sheets to their desks and check it off as each day passed. They would really get into it! If you already have fewer than 26 days left, dont worry! You can still countdown the remaining days with style! Consider spelling out the name of your school, a school motto, or simply the word summer. The skys the limit and there are no rules. Brainstorm with your fellow teachers and see what they come up with! Sound like something you might like to do?   A Art day: Create a special art project in class B Buddy reading: Bring a book to read with a friend C Career day: Dress or bring props to show a job you may enjoy D Donut day: We will enjoy donuts E Experiment day: Experiment with science F Favorite book day: Bring a favorite book G Game day: Your teacher will teach a new math game H Hat day: Wear a hat today I Impromptu speech day: Perform speeches in class J Joke day: Bring an appropriate joke to share at school K Kindness day: Share some extra kindness today L Lollipop Day: Enjoy lollipops in class M Memorial Day: No School N No homework: No homework tonight O Obstacle course: Compete in obstacle courses P Picnic lunch day: Bring a sack lunch Q Quiet Day: Who is the quietest student in our class? R Read a poem day: Bring a favorite poem to share with the class S Summer birthdays and sing a song: You can share birthday treats T Twin day: Dress like a friend U Uplift someone day: Give compliments to each other V Video day: Watch an educational movie today W Water balloon toss day: Compete and try to not get wet X X-change autographs day: Go outside and trade signatures Y Year-end clearance day: Clean up desks and the room Z Zip up your bag and go home day: Last day of school! Have fun with your countdown and enjoy these final days with your class! Testing is over and its time to kick back and enjoy your students to the max! Happy Summer, teachers!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Independent critical evaluation of a planning model Essay

Independent critical evaluation of a planning model - Essay Example When we differentiate and assign the derivative to zero. Hence, and , so So profit is maximised when the output (q) is set to 10 Now, let us consider how we can investigate the model as a case study. The profit model is made up of two distinct sections i.e. Revenue and Costs. Revenue is based upon the linear demand equation and linear demand, consists of an intercept term and a slope term. Costs on the other hand, consist of two distinct entities i.e. a Fixed Cost (the cost of maintaining a business irrespective of level of output) and, a Variable Cost (the additional costs associated with changes in output). If we consider Revenue, then we are considering the product of the linear demand equation and output ('q'). We know that the linear demand equation consists of an intercept term and a slope term. Hence by creating changes in the coefficients associated with the linear demand equation, we can create changes in the Revenue equation. So, we can change the value of the Intercept term and/or the Slope term. Changes in either will create changes in the Revenue equation. Creating changes in the revenue equation will ultimately create changes in the Profit equation! Similarly, the cost equation consists of a fixed cost and a variable cost. Changes in either will cause changes in the Profit equation. Hence, the case study analysis is set up as follows: we will consider changes in the Fixed Cost, then changes in the Variable Cost, followed by changes in the intercept term and then in the slope term of the linear demand equation. Speaking about changes in the Fixed Cost look at graphs changes. Simply vertically moves the position of the graph of the equation. In the case of the Profit graph, a decrease in the... ), i.e. the minus sign outside the brackets of the TC effectively changed the sign of every term within the brackets when the brackets were removed! So 000 is our profit equation! Notice how it represents a quadratic equation with a negative sign in front of the 'squared' term. Such an indication tells us that we are looking at a MAXIMUM point. Let us plot a graph of our profit equation! Costs on the other hand, consist of two distinct entities i.e. a Fixed Cost (the cost of maintaining a business irrespective of level of output) and, a Variable Cost (the additional costs associated with changes in output). Hence by creating changes in the coefficients associated with the linear demand equation, we can create changes in the Revenue equation. So, we can change the value of the Intercept term and/or the Slope term. Hence, the case study analysis is set up as follows: we will consider changes in the Fixed Cost, then changes in the Variable Cost, followed by changes in the intercept term and then in the slope term of the linear demand equation. Speaking about changes in the Fixed Cost look at graphs changes. Simply vertically moves the position of the graph of the equation. In the case of the Profit graph, a decrease in the value of the fixed costs moves the profit graph upwards (and vice versa). Hence, the constant values (-2,000 and 150 in this case) are technically

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Impact of Computer Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Impact of Computer Technology - Research Paper Example From the essay it is clear that the cost effective and instant communication over these networks has left other technologies far too behind and facilitated humans to communicate and process information in a remarkable and innovative way. Social networks enables people to create effective communication channels for exchanging ideas and thoughts with class mates, old friends, lost friends, relatives, and new friends. Computerized social networks have advantages as well as disadvantages later to be discussed. The factors impacting on the population are interrelated to each other. The severity of the impact of these technologies may differ from low to high risks. According to the report findings the computerized social networks also contributed to support the educational correspondence regarding student assignments, career counseling and college planning. Students are able to co ordinate with each other regarding multiple educational topics and suggestions. Students improve their visual, writing, reading and conflict resolution skills by discussing about issues on various matters with all level of students available around the globe. These features can be achieved by connecting to the Internet and registering to the free social networks. Students with low income can also utilize these services due to free of charge. Studies have shown that computerized social networks have also increased quality of life. Social media can contribute via computerized social networks which will be an alternative to a traditional way of communication.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Air Export Procedure Benchmarking for Thai Customs Process Dissertation

Air Export Procedure Benchmarking for Thai Customs Process - Dissertation Example To gather data from the customers and other significant players in the Thai customs, this research shall entail the use of questionnaires, interviews and in-depth review of literature on the same and related topic. The data collected shall be analysed appropriately to come up with solutions to the research problem and recommendations to the Thai customs department (Greene & Caracelli, 1997). 3.1 Purpose of Research In general, the research shows how Thai customs bureau behaves in exportation process. The primary study of this research aims to illustrate current practice of air export procedure on behalf of Thai customs bureau. Thus, objectives of the dissertation are derived and demonstrate as following: To investigate exportation process on behalf of Suvarnabhumi Airport Cargo Clearance Customs Bureau. To illustrate Thai export procedures by air in the process flow structure. To address existing problems/difficulties of the process To address existing difficulties occurred in the pr ocess. To draw up a conclusion and give recommendation to improve the service delivery at the customs based on the results and literature review process. Each stage of export procedures handling by Thai customs is investigated comprehensively and is illustrated as a flow chart. Low-level process is demonstrated as a framework to further extend of the study. The research intends to enhance performance of existing customs processes. By evaluating and comparing present practices of Thai Customs Bureau with the selected benchmark aim to observe and criticise an existing practice. In order that the proposed solution to be discovered and, especially, the objectives mentioned to be attained, the research purposes have been defined which brought up a research question as following: What is the most viable method that Thai Customs administration can employ to improve its overall performance in terms of air exportation procedures, can alteration of the procedure be altered with reference to a selected benchmark? 3.2 Research Strategy To successfully conduct this research, mix method qualitative research shall be employed the use of the mix methods will lead to more reliable and valid results. Quantitative method relies on the positivism principle which facts are focused on and likely to be objective. To get results in a quantitative research, aims are subdivided into clearly defined variables. On the other hand, qualitative rejects the idea of positivism and associates with phenomenology principle which pays more attention on meanings of human interests (Easterby-Smith et al., 1991; Bryman and Bell, 2007). Qualitative research entails setting stress on describing, understanding a complex phenomenon, it investigates the relationship and patterns that contribute to a given phenomenon, and this kind of research is mostly helpful creating theories and provision of hypothesis to clarify the phenomenon. As stated by Bryman and Bell (2007), the idea of quantitative approach is on about quantification of collected data as well as the data analysis component which the research is built on. Conversely, qualitative research is based on neither amount of data nor the data analysis approach but the quality of data and records. Instead of theories testing of quantitative rese

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sylvia Plath And Her Poem Daddy

Sylvia Plath And Her Poem Daddy Sylvia Plath was an American poet and novelist, but also a mother, teacher and wife (Plath, p.2). She was born in Boston Massachusetts on October 27, 1932 (Ibid, p.2). Her mother Aurelia Schober Plath was a first generation American of Austrian descent. Her father Otto Emile Plath was an immigrant from Grabow, Germany (Ibid.). Sylvia Plaths father died of complications of diabetes on November 1940 a month after her eighth birthday ( Plath). Sylvia Plaths father was not a German Nazi, as readers of the poem Daddy are made to believe. Otto Plath was a distinguished professor of biology and German language at Boston University (Plath, p.3). He was known throughout the world as an authority on bees as well (Ibid.). In Sylvia Plaths poem titled Daddy, a theory exists the poet speaker is addressing both her dead father, but for the most part her husband and father figure, English poet Ted Hughes. To understand this theory, one must recall the meaning of the Oedipus complex as well as the Electra complex. The Oedipus complex is defined as a transition in a male childs life, where the child has a psychological desire to sleep with the mother and kill the father (From Sigmund Freud). The Electra complex, on the other hand, states that a female child has a romantic desire toward the father and rejection of the mother. Psychologically, as an adult, the female looks for a husband that provides the father figure for her; that is, a man that will takes over all the roles of the real father (From Sigmund Freud). The poem Daddy by Sylvia Plath is a fantasy poem rebuking not her dead father but the father figure in her husband Ted Hughes. The poem, Daddy, was written on October 12, 1962 before Sylvia Plath committed suicide (Wikipedia). Almost all of Sylvia Plaths poems were written during the second part of the feminist struggle of the 60s and 70s ( The poem was posthumously published in a collection of poems under the heading of Ariel, which was submitted with a Forward by her daughter Frieda Hughes Plath (Plath, p. 16). That collection of poems contained in the Ariel collection made Sylvia Plath a household name (Ibid.). In her poem Daddy, Plath uses the Holocaust as a pivot point to rebuke her husband and father figure, and laments her father who died when she was eight years old. Listening to Sylvia Plath read her own poem Daddy, the listener detects a childs tone filled with considerate, unselfish love and affection when she reads and pronounces the word Daddy. The listener also detects the difference in tone when she recites the rest of the lines in the poem. The tone is more harsh and filled with hate, rage and anger (YouTube, The form of the poem is Free Verse with sixteen Cinquain stanzas. The poem also contains intermittent iambic verse throughout with no continuous pattern. The use of metaphors, symbolism and similes, throughout the stanzas gives the poem a semblance of balance. The entire poem in itself, however, is a metaphor. The speaker uses the first person descriptive voice. The theme of the poem is feminist in nature; that is, a female persona climbing to freedom from dominance of the father figure. She desires to be free from male domination, authority and control in order to be able to have the right to be her own persona. The mood of the poem is conversational (Aird, p. 82). The poem does not follow a rhyming scheme, but it does follow a nursery rhyming type of sound throughout the poem. In addition, a rhyme oo sound is predominant on the first Cinquain stanza as well as on the last stanza of the poem (Strand and Boland, pp. 274-276, Lines 1-5 and 76-80). Examples of internal rhyme are in lines, 1, 23, 49 and 50. An example of alliteration exists in line 49. There are various repetitions in this poem as follows: You do not do, you do not do (Ibid. Line 1), Of wars, wars, wars. (Line 18), Ich, ich, ich, ich, (Ibid. Line 27 which means I want to, I want to). In addition, An engine, an engine (Ibid. Line 31), And my Taroc pack and my Taroc pack (Ibid. Line 39), Panzer-man, panzer-man, O Youà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ (Ibid. Line 45) And get back, back, back to you, (Ibid. Line 59). Also Daddy, daddy, you bastard, Im through. (Ibid. Line 80) The speaker used figurative language throughout the poem. In addition, there are several similes in (Ibid. Lines 3, 32, and 34). The speaker uses hyperbole in lines 6, 11, 12, 49, 62, 69, 72, 73 and 76. Figurative language as an apostrophe is included in lines, 8, 9, 10, 46, 70, and 72. In addition, personification is included in lines 8, 10, 11, 36, 37, 46, 54, 62, 70, and 72. The imagery used by the speaker is relevant to sight, sound and touch, and it is void of smell and taste. The imagery of sound is present in lines 5, 16, 28, 34, 67, and 70. The imagery of sight is present in lines 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 32, 36, 43, 44, 52, 57, 61, and 76. The touch imagery is present in lines 25, 26, 62, and 78. In the first stanza of the poem Daddy, Plath opens the poem with the affirmation that she no longer accepts the hurtful marriage by saying, You do not do, you do not do (Strand and Boland, pp. 274-276, Line 1). She further claims that she will no longer be bound to the darkness and forlornness of her father figure husband by saying, Any more, black shoe / In which I have lived like a foot (Ibid. Lines 2-3). She feels she has been held captive in a marriage that has gone sour and she has had enough. She agrees to divorce her husband and as a result, she is not restricted to the confines of a bad marriage. Even though she faces economic difficulties, it does not matter since she had been under those circumstances before as she says, For thirty years, poor and white. (Ibid. Line 4) In the second stanza, Sylvia Plath decides to accept her fathers death. She claims he had died before she had a chance to show her love for him (Ibid. Line 7). Her fathers dead body was placed, perhaps, in a body bag as she remembers; was heavy and filled with kindness, goodness and love as she says, Marble-heavy, a bag full of God. (Ibid. Line 8) In the third stanza, she remembers the place where her father was placed after his death. She had hopes her father would come back to her as she proclaims, I used to pray to recover you. (Ibid. Line 14), and she cries aloud, Ach, du. (Ibid. Line 15) hoping for her wish to come true. In the fifth stanza, Sylvia Plath refers to the many extramarital affairs her husband and father figure had. She is not sure who he loves, but she does not confront him since the thought of it was perhaps more hurtful than the action itself. In the sixth stanza, she makes a vivid portrayal of her suffering from her painful marriage and father figure by fantasizing of being à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦stuck in a barb wire snare. (Ibid. Line 26) In the seventh stanza, Sylvia Plath feels her father figure pushed her away as if an engine that has drove her to the brim of her fantasy of being a Jew persecuted by the German Nazis. An engine, an engine // Chuffing me off like a Jew. (Ibid. Lines 31 and 32) The circumstance surrounding her unhappy marriage makes her compare herself to a Jew being sent to the first Nazi concentration camp ( Dachau concentration camp), or to the extermination camp in Auschwitz ( /Auschwitz concentration camp). The least she could expect from her father figure, was to be sent to the Nazi Belsen concentration camp to be exchanged for German prisoners of war held ( /Bergen-Belsen concentration camp) overseas. In the eighth stanza, Sylvia Plath considers herself an Aryan Gypsy which in à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦the Nazi minds there were contradictions between what they regarded as the superiority of the Aryan race and their image of the Gypsies Like the Jews, Gypsies were singled out by the Nazis for racial persecution and annihilation. ( Sylvia Plath enhances her belief of bad luck and the fantasy of being an Aryan Gypsy by mentioning the Taroc game cards as she says, And my Taroc pack and my Taroc pack / I may be a bit of a Jew. (Strand and Boland, pp. 274-276, Lines 39 and 40) She mentions the Taroc pack twice, once to reference her destiny of her bad luck with her husband and the second to reference the destiny of bad luck with her father figure. Regardless, she still considers herself à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦a bit of a Jew. (Ibid. Line 40) In stanza nine and ten, she compares her husband and father figure to Adolf Hitler, With your Luftwaffe, your gobbledygook. / And your neat mustache / And your Aryan eye, bright blue. // Not God but a swastika / So black no sky could squeak through. / Every woman adores a Fascist, / The boot in the face, the brute / Brute heart of a brute like you. // (Ibid. Lines 42-50) There is a correlation between the figure of Adolf Hitler and her husband and father figure whom also had extramarital dealings with other women. In addition, Ted Hughes was over six feet tall and always dressed himself from head to toe in black (Ted Hughes: An Introduction, Ann Skea). In stanza eleven, the symbolism for blackboard stands for dualism. On the one hand, Sylvia Plath sees her loving and missed father and on the other, she sees her father figure and husband. She sees her father as having a cleft in his chin instead of his foot. On the other hand, the dual figure she sees is that of her husband and father figure having a cleft in his foot much as a devil has. The eleventh stanza states, You stand at the blackboard, daddy, / In the picture I have of you, / A cleft in your chin instead of your foot / But no less a devil for that, no not / Any less the black man who // (Strand and Boland, pp. 274-276, Lines 51-55). She continues addressing her husband and father figure in stanza twelfth by saying, Bit my pretty red heart in two. / (Ibid. Line 56). Also in the twelfth stanza, Sylvia Plath claims she was ten years old when her father died. Several years later, she tried to commit suicide but was unsuccessful. She had hoped to be back with him and would have been satisfied even if there were no flesh left in his bones. She says in part, I was ten when they buried you. / At twenty I tried to die / And get back, back, back to you. / I thought even the bones would do. // (Ibid. Lines 57-60) In stanza thirteen Sylvia Plath refers to the failed attempt at suicide. She claims they were able to save her and thereafter she decides to make a model of her father; her father figure as she says, But they pulled me out of the sack, / And they stuck me together with glue. / And then I knew what to do. / I made a model of you, / A man in black with a Meinkapmf look // (Ibid. Lines 61-65) In stanza fourteenth, she refers to the rack as the wedding bed and having sex with her father figure after she accepted the marriage vows. Later she realizes the marriage is not working and agrees to dissolve the marriage. She decides not to agree to any calls for reconciliation, and refuses to listen to any communications coming from her father figure. She confesses to her father that her life is over with her father figure as she says in the fourteenth stanza, And a love of the rack and the screw. / And I said I do, I do. / So daddy, Im finally through. / The black telephone off the root, / The voices just cant worm through. // (Ibid. Lines 66-70) Stanza fifteenth is an affirmation that Sylvia Plath has accepted the departure from her marriage from her father figure much as she has accepted the death of her father. Sylvia Plath says, If Ive killed one man, Ive killed two (Ibid. Line 71). She refers to the father figure as a vampire whom has drained her lifes happiness for the seven years she was married to her husband and father figure. She says, The vampire who said he was you / And drank my blood for a year, / Seven years, if you want to know. / (Ibid. Lines72-74) In the last line of the fifteenth stanza, she tells her father he can now rest in peace, Daddy, you can lie back now. (Ibid. Line 75) In the sixteenth and last stanza, Sylvia Plath continues with her fantasy and is able to get rid of the vampire father figure, Theres a stake in your fat black heart (Ibid. Line 76). Sylvia Plath comes to a certain end in her life and tells her father people did not like her father figure. People knew the father figure was to blame for her failures by saying, And the villagers never liked you. / They always knew it was you. / Daddy, daddy, you bastard, Im through. // (Ibid. Lines 77-80) It is important to notice the uppercase D when she addresses her father and the lowercase d when she addresses her father figure. (Ibid. Line 80) Sylvia Plath continued her fantasy of being persecuted as a Jew by the German Nazis, and in particular by her father figure, to the end of her life. In her poem Lady Lazarus, she mentions the many times she tried to commit suicide, but was not successful. Before the first publication of the novel The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath carried with her to the end of her life, a correlation of being a persecuted Jew by her father figure. She committed suicide by turning the gas on in the oven of the house and symbolically placed her head inside the oven. She succeeds in killing herself on the 11th day of February 1963 (Aird, p. 13). Sylvia Plath was thirty years old (Ibid). Before carrying out her suicide, she placed a large bottle of milk in each of her childrens cribs and covered the bottom of the door leading to the childrens room with wet towels. The wet towel would prevent the gas from seeping into their room and keeping them from dying as well ( Plath). The next day an inquiry ruled her death was a suicide (Ibid). In her novel, The Bell Jar, which was first published under the pseudonym of Victoria Lucas, Sylvia Plath tells in a semiautobiographical story about her unhappiness. The novel enumerates the various conflicts in her life including her complex mental illness. Even today, Sylvia Plath has many fans. The gravestone, which bears her name, is found in Heptonstall churchyard in England ( Plath # cite note). Some of Plaths supporters who have chiseled the name Hughes off it have repeatedly vandalized it. This practice intensified following the suicide in 1969 of Assia Wevill, the woman for whom Ted Hughes left Plath, which led to claims Hughes had been abusive toward Plath (Ibid). Ted Hughes died October 28, 1998 (Skea, Ann); it seems to be ironic, and perhaps symbolic that Ted Hughes died sixty-six years later and a day before Sylvia Plath birthday of October 27. According to [The] Dictionary of Literary Symbols, the number 666 is considered an imperfect number an d the famous number of the beast; that is, the devil (Ferber, p.141).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Thomas Hobbes Prudential Oughts :: Politics Philosophy Sociology

â€Å"Whensoever a man transferreth his right, or renounceth it; it is either in consideration of some right reciprocally transferred to himselfe; or for some other good he hopeth for thereby. For it is a voluntary act: and of the voluntary acts of every man, the object is some good to himselfe.† (192)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Proposed with the question of whether Thomas Hobbes’s manifesto was written of â€Å"oughts† constructed upon; prudential, moral or ethical foundations it is the former that prevails through his writing. Hobbes spoke of man universally when describing a human’s primitive state, being one in a â€Å"state of nature†. Without the presences of a common power, a sovereign, preventing man from entering their imminent condition of war, man would ultimately live a life that was â€Å"†¦nasty, brutish, and short.† (186) For in the state of nature it is â€Å"every man, against every man.† (185) This being true, in absence of common power to create and enforce laws there would be no injustice. (188) Therefore the accepted rules of conduct to follow, principles of ethics and our interpretation of morality would not exist. The principals of Good & Evil would be subjective, left to the interpretation of each person. According to Hobbes the catalyst for the process of an absolute power would not be because it is right & just to keep war at bay, but because man has an intrinsic desire to live. Man fueled by his own self interests and capable of reason will see an absolute power, (as every man is naturally equal), as the only way to preserve himself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For it is the â€Å"general rule of reason, that every man ought to endeavour peace† (190) It is in man’s self-interest to follow the laws of nature and to willingly give up all of his rights in order to secure his or her safety & preserve his or hers way of life, as long as all other’s do the same. It is in all reasonable men’s self interest to agree upon these laws but, if other men will not do the same it would be â€Å"to expose himself to prey†¦rather than to dispose himself to peace.† (190) This would directly contradict man’s general rule of reason.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is the primary prudential â€Å"ought† for which his writing is justified. Hobbes’s concept of what is ethical & moral are solely dependant upon the laws set forth by the sovereign.