Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Old Yeller essays

Old Yeller essays Responsibility is someone who makes decisions is mature and reliable. Responsibility is shown all through Fred Gipsons novel Old Yeller about a family living in the dangerous wilderness in 1860. The young hard working Travis, his loving mother and the loyal dog Old Yeller all show responsibility. Travis has many responsibilities when his father left for the cattle drive and he must work hard to take care of his family. Papa's chores weren't easy. Marking their hogs was a lot of hard work. Old Yeller and Travis work together to mark all thirty hogs. The job gets dangerous when the two get hurt badly from the mad hogs. In addition to marking the hogs Travis also had to supply food to his family. Killing a deer on the run Travis feels proud and important supplying food to his family. Above all Travis had to keep the varmints out of the corn patch. Again Travis and Old Yeller work together staying up at all hours of the night fighting off the varmints in the corn patch. Travis working hard and his responsibility was not enough for the family. Mama also had to work hard for the familys survival. Hard work was a big part of the familys survival but the family also needed loving care supplied by Mama. Mama showed her loving care by keeping her family well fed. When Bud Sanderson comes to claim Old Yeller Mama makes a delicious meal of venison, cornbread, stewed squirrel and fried catfish in trade for Old Yeller. Another way Mama shows her loving care is when she takes care of Travis and Old Yeller when the two are hurt from the hogs. Mama uses her cleverness to sew up Old Yeller using a long hair from their mule's tail. For the next week she waits on them hand and foot doing all their chores. Once more Mama shows her loving care when Old Yeller becomes ill and must be shot died out of his misery. Travis is in shock when he learns he must shot his dog. Mama realizes the pain he must fell and offers to do it for him. Although...

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